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2019 Speaker Series on Climate Change: Warming Oceans, Melting Ice, Rising Seas, and You

Speaker: Dr. Ian Fenty, Ph.D.
Climate Scientist, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory


The 2019 Speaker Series is focused on raising awareness about the climate change crisis and how it can affect us in the years ahead. The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report makes clear that we have only a few years to act to protect our “common home” from the devastating effects of climate change. Through this series, we hope to provide opportunities for conversation and involvement through action and/or advocacy.

On February 21st, we will learn how human activity has caused increases in greenhouse gases which in turn have led to warmer oceans and melting polar ice sheets and glaciers. Dr. Fenty will share insights about current NASA research to study the melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet and the rising sea levels being project.  Most importantly,what do these consequences mean and how do they impact our future?

Click here for more details and see attached flyer. 


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