Faculty and Staff Only
Know Your Rights Workshops
Cross Cultural Center The Wellness Room, United StatesKnow Your Rights Workshops In an ever-changing political climate, it’s increasingly important to understand yours and your family’s rights while interacting with law enforcement! Join us for a Know Your Rights Workshop featuring lawyers from the UCI School of Law! Location: CCC, Ring Room Date: May 24, 2017 11am-1pm Drinks & Pizza will be provided!
Undergraduate Writing Symposium: Sustainable Compositions / Composing Sustainability
CA, United StatesUCI Undergraduate Writing Symposium: Sustainable Compositions / Composing Sustainability This event that will be held on Friday, February 16th, 2018. Students will be presenting climate action papers that address various issues,…
“Invisible Bodies: Reagan’s Cold War on Immigrants and the Rise of the U.S. Detention Regime”
KH 126 , United States"Invisible Bodies: Reagan's Cold War on Immigrants and the Rise of the U.S. Detention Regime" Friday, February 16th, 12:30-1:45 p.m. in KH 126 Tina Shull, Ph.D., is a Research Associate…
The 2018 Latin American Film Festival
McCormick Screening Room , United StatesThe Department of Spanish and Portuguese and the Latin American Studies Center are pleased to present a series of short films throughout the quarter. See full program in attached poster. Each…
Ring Room, Cross Cultural Center , United StatesREAL TALK REAL Talk provides a weekly space for students, staff, and faculty to come together and share their stories in an effort to address issues surrounding identity, social justice,…
Drive Out Hunger
Arroyo Vista Lawn , United StatesDrive Out Hunger Please join the Resident Housing Association (RHA) as they host their 5th annual Drive Out Hunger event on Thursday, March 8th from 7 to 10PM on the Arroyo Vista Lawn. Don’t miss out on delicious food trucks, entertainment, and…