Catching Your Breath: How Climate Change can Alter the Microbiome you Inhale

Crystal Cove Auditorium UCI Student Center, Irvine, United States

Wednesday, May 15, 2019 • 4:00 PMCrystal Cove Auditorium, UC Irvine Student CenterReception to follow the lecture at 5:00 PMFeaturing:Kathleen K. Treseder, Ph.D.ProfessorEcology and Evolutionary BiologyUniversity of California, Irvine About the LectureEvery time you breathe in, you inhale fungal spores. These spores are so tiny that they can travel on the wind for hundreds of miles.…

Sustainability Lunch & Learn Series

Global Sustainability Resource Cente G464 Student Center South, Irvine, CA, United States

UCI Global Sustainability Resource Center presents: Sustainability Lunch & Learn Series Join us for lunch* and student discussion with sustainability leaders. When: May 16 / 12 PM to 1 PM…

ASUCI presents: In Sickness & In Wealth

Pacific Ballroom C, UCI Student Center CA, United States

ASUCI Office of the President's Campus Climate Commission presents: "In Sickness & In Wealth: When sustainability isn't accessible" May 16, 2019 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Pacific Ballroom C, UCI…

2019 Speaker Series on Climate Change: May 16

Mother Louis Room, St. Joseph Justice Center 480 S. Batavia St., Orange, CA, United States

On May 16th, we will learn about what steps our cities can take to move into cleaner and sustainable energy.  Hear about the policies such as the Community Choice Energy that…

Seminar Series: “Fostering Civic Advocacy on Campus”

Calit2 Auditorium CA, United States

Abstract: Civic advocacy is to engage with those in power to improve the lives of those who are marginalized either by race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and other characteristics taking into…

UCI Costa Rica Program Research Symposium

Mesa Court Community Center CA, United States

The UCI Costa Rica Program invites you to their 2019 Research Symposium on Thursday, May 23rd from 5pm - 7pm in the Mesa Court Community Center. Join the UCI Costa…

Troubling the Grounds

UCI SBSG , United States

Troubling the Grounds: Global Configurations of Blackness, Nativism, and Indigeneity The resurgence of ultranationalist calls to greatness claim a form of sovereignty based on a nostalgic act of “return.” For example, Donald Trump’s presidential campaign to “Make America Great Again,” Bolsonaro’s “Make Brazil Great Again,” and Matteo Salvini’s “Make Italy Great Again” and “Italians First”…