FRESH Vision
FRESH Vision The purpose of the two-part workshop is to bring together the FRESH community to develop a roadmap for creating a cohesive network at UCI so we can share resources, boost collaboration, and improve the basic needs security of our student community. Click on the flyer for more information! *LOCATION TBA
Cultural Strategies for Environmental Justice: Visiting Artist Will See
Cultural Strategies for Environmental Justice: Visiting Artist Will See Anticipated Visit: January 21-26, 2019 More event and RSVP information will be posted soon. Click here for more details. Will See is a poet-MC, environmental justice (EJ) activist, and cultural worker from Detroit. He brings attention to issues of environment, race and class through his art…
Cultural Strategies for Environmental Justice: Performance at UCI
Dance Studio 120 UC Irvine, United StatesCultural Strategies for Environmental Justice: Performance at UCI Join us Tuesday, January 22, 8-9:30 pm, for a campus performance by poet MC Will See and DJ Shammy Dee, joined by special guests. The performance takes place in Dance Studio 120, which is located within the UCI Claire Trevor School of the Arts. Light refreshments will…
Cultural Strategies for Environmental Justice: EJ Discussion with Students
Global Sustainability Resource Cente G464 Student Center South, Irvine, CA, United StatesCultural Strategies for Environmental Justice: EJ Discussion with Students On Wednesday, January 23, 3:45-4:45 pm, the UCI Global Sustainability Resource Center (GSRC) will host a discussion for students with Will See and additional special guests on environmental justice. All students welcome. If you would like to attend this discussion and are not a student, please…
What The Eyes Don’t See: A Process of Uncovering the Flint Crisis
Crystal Cove Auditorium UCI Student Center, Irvine, United StatesWhat The Eyes Don't See: A Process of Uncovering the Flint Water Crisis Click to download as PDF When: Wednesday, January 23 at 5 pm Where: UCI Student Center - Crystal Cove Auditorium Who: Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha RSVP: Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha - pediatrician, professor, and health advocate - will sit down with UCI assistant…
Cultural Strategies for Environmental Justice: Spoken Word Workshop
Humanities Gateway (HG 1030) , United StatesCultural Strategies for Environmental Justice: Spoken Word Workshop Join us on Thursday, January 24, from 5:00-6:15 pm, for a spoken word workshop on cultural strategies for environmental justice with Will…
Cultural Strategies for Environmental Justice: Santa Ana Performative Exchange
Makara Center for the Arts Santa Ana, CA, United StatesCultural Strategies for Environmental Justice: Santa Ana Performative Exchange Join us on Friday, January 25, 6-9 pm, for a performative exchange on environmental justice at the Makara Center for the…
On the Road for Climate Action – Highlights from a National Outreach Project
UCI Calit2 Building Auditorium UCI Calit2 Building, Irvine, CA, United StatesOn the Road for Climate Action - Highlights from a National Outreach Project UCI Population Health and Disease Prevention Public Health Seminar Series Shahir Masri, S.M., Sc.D.,Air Pollution Exposure Assessment…
Graduate Student Workshop – How to Engage with Community Research Partners
Social Ecology I, Room 112 UCI, United StatesHow to Engage with Community Research Partners (Graduate Student Workshop) For more information, click here.
Homelessness 101
UCI Calit2 Building Auditorium UCI Calit2 Building, Irvine, CA, United StatesHomelessness 101 UCI has been working with the United Way's "United to End Homelessness" Initiative over the past year to help find answers to this critical local issue. The goal…