Home » The North Pole Show Comes to Campus

The North Pole Show Comes to Campus

north pole show

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Executive Produced by award-winning actor and activist Rosario Dawson, The North Pole: Season Two is a political comedy web series about four friends in North Oakland, California, who fight, dream, and plot hilarious schemes to stay rooted as their neighborhood becomes a hostile environment. In the highly anticipated new season, Benny, Nina, Marcus, and Finn face up against ICE agents and shady sheriffs, wildfires and white supremacists – along the way discovering their own power and purpose in this riotous journey of laughter and liberation.

In 2018, UCI hosted The North Pole Show team to share Season 1 with our campus. We are excited to welcome the team back to debut Season 2 with our students, staff, faculty, and community collaborators. These events are offered in conjunction with our campus’ MLK Week activities on January 22 and 23, 2020.


Campuswide Screening of The North Pole Show Season Two & Talkback

Date: January 22, 2020
Time: 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Location: Dr. White Room, UCI Cross-Cultural Center
Who: UCI students, staff, faculty, and community members

Executive Produced by award-winning actor and activist Rosario Dawson, The North Pole: Season Two is a political comedy web series about four friends in North Oakland that tackles the big issues of our time: Climate Change. Wildfire. Immigration. Gentrification. Race. And Gluten Free Donuts. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the lead actor, Santiago Rosas, and director/co-writer, Yvan Iturriaga. Vegetarian lunch will be provided. Please use the RSVP form on this page.


Law & Social Movements Seminar Workshop: Eco Means Home

Date: January 22, 2020
Time: 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Location: LAW 4750
Who: LAW 5681 students. Additional UCI students are welcome. This workshop is now almost full. Please use RSVP form to join the waitlist.

In this era of mass migration and mass gentrification, where do we call home? How do we tell stories of all the places we call home that show their true complexity in all its beauty and brutality? In this interactive workshop led by Santiago, Yvan, and UCI Community Resilience Projects director Abby Reyes, we explore meanings of home though this lens, disrupting the mainstream narrative and showing how we can tell stories of our homes with love and authenticity. This workshop is now almost full. Please use RSVP form on this page to join the waitlist.


Jovenes Cultivando Cambios Workshop on Laughter and Liberation: Comedy & Storytelling for Social Change

Date: January 22, 2020
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Chapman Community Center
Who: By invitation only*

In this interactive workshop, led by Santiago and Yvan, we explore the intersection of political humor and social justice, punchlines and picket lines. This workshop will be tailored to work that various youth-led community groups in Santa Ana are already doing on these themes. The workshop will combine creative writing and comedic storytelling. All participants will create one original piece to take home with them.

*Note about participation: if you are a high school-aged youth or youth community organizer based in Santa Ana, please express your interest in this workshop here. We will pass on your interest to the workshop hosts at Jovenes Cultivando Cambios.


Filmmaking Across Borders: Disrupting Stereotypes, Creating Home

Date: January 23, 2020
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Social Ecology I, Room 101
Who:  UCI students in CHC/LAT 152B, PUBHLTH 115 *For additionally interested, students, please see note below.

In this era of mass migration and mass gentrification, where do we call home? In this interactive filmmaking and creative activism workshop, led by Yvan and Santiago, we will disrupt the mainstream narrative and show how we can tell stories of our homes with love and authenticity. Combining creative writing and film technique, all participants will create one original story outline or show concept to take home with them.

* This workshop is now full. If you are a UCI student who is not enrolled in CHC/LAT 152B, PUBHLTH 115 and would like to participate, please join the waitlist by using the RSVP form on this page.





UCI Sustainability Resource Center, UCI Community Resilience Projects, UCI Cross-Cultural Center



UCI Department of Chicano/Latino Studies, UCI FRESH Basic Needs Hub, UCI Illuminations, and UCI Students Advocating for Immigrant Rights & Equity