Climate Change, Insect Biology, and the Challenges Ahead

Beckman Center of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine , United States

Climate Change, Insect Biology, and the Challenges Ahead Our climate is changing. C02 levels in the atmosphere are growing at unprecedented rates and temperatures are increasing so quickly that in less than one hundred years humans will be living on a planet that will be hotter than at any time in the evolution of the…

Solutions to Plastics

Beckman Center of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine , United States

Solutions to Plastics Solutions to Plastics addresses the compelling problem of global plastic pollution. Plastic products are very cheap to make from petroleum but extremely difficult to extract from waste streams. 90% of plastics discharged by waterways come from only ten rivers, two of them in Africa and the rest in Asia. Different types of…