Home » 2016 UC Carbon Neutrality and Global Food Initiative Fellows Retreat

2016 UC Carbon Neutrality and Global Food Initiative Fellows Retreat

2016 UC Carbon Neutrality and Global Food Initiative Fellows Retreat



UCI Food Fellow Dhruti Khetani assist in food preparation at a eco-friendly cooking event. Photo Credit: Corey Tull, UCI

This training and retreat is offered to the 2015-16 student fellows of the UC President’s Carbon Neutrality (CNI) and Global Food Initiatives (GFI) by staff leaders and visiting scholars with UCI’s Sustainability Initiative and Global Sustainability Resource Center.

The purpose of the two-day training is to increase the skill of the current batch of Fellows in transformational leadership, communication about critical food and climate issues, and select organizing tools; to provide a community-building forum for fellows to reflect more deeply and critically about the global context in which their fellowship projects take place; and to provide a space for fellows to engage in dialogue and peer learning to enhance their current carbon neutrality and food sustainability practices and projects.

January 8-10  - northern CA campuses – Livermore, CA
January 15-17 – southern CA campuses – Borrego Springs, CA

Application Deadline: Monday, December 21, 2015 at 12:00 p.m.


>>View report and participant experience feedback from the 2014/15 Fellows Retreat (pdf)




The residential retreat will be offered twice in January 2016. Please plan to attend one retreat at the location nearest you. Participation during the entire retreat is required. Both retreats will have a mix of climate and food fellows.

Northern CA: Friday, January 8 (beginning late afternoon/evening) through Sunday, January 10 (ending mid/late afternoon) in Livermore, CA

Southern CA: Friday, January 15 (beginning late afternoon/evening) through Sunday, January 17 (ending mid/late afternoon) in Borrego Springs, CA

Food: One of the integral parts of this program is our Foodscapes experience, provided by our visiting Eco-Chef Roger Feely. Roger’s menu creations focus on sustainability, culture, and traditional seed-to-plate systems thinking, also known as “made from scratch.” Roger’s cooking features global cuisine using local ingredients, and you should expect a diverse, flavorful, healthy, and primarily vegetarian cuisine for the duration of your stay as well as dialogue and inquiry into our food systems and culture that will provide a framework for exploring sustainability in our daily lives.

Venue: The northern CA retreat will be held at Camp Arroyo in Livermore, CA.  The southern CA retreat will be held at the Steele/Burnand Anza-Borrego Desert Research Center in Borrego Springs, CA.  Participants should expect to share dorm-style rooms with fellow participants.

Cost: Participant travel and lodging costs will be covered by the Office of the President via the Global Food and Carbon Neutrality Initiatives' Fellows Programs.


This training and retreat is offered to the 2015-16 student fellows of the UC President’s Carbon Neutrality and Global Food Initiatives.  If you qualify, please register for the program via the online form. Please note that space is limited; register now to secure your spot. Registration confirmation will be made on a rolling basis. Registered fellows will receive email correspondence from the retreat trainers regarding logistics and program detail one week prior to the training.


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This student written blog reflects writing by UC students from their own perspectives regarding issues related to building community resilience. It does not reflect the position of the university