Embodying Resilience

Cross Cultural Center, Dr. White Room CA, United States

Join UCI Community Resilience Projects and Dance Professor S. Ama Wray for an experimental and experiential series in Embodying Resilience. What:          A four-week series of movement practices that expand thinking led by UCI Dance Professor Dr. S. Ama Wray Who:           Any “body,” standing or seated, is welcome (the series accommodates standing…

Sustainability Fair

Neighborhood Community Church, The Ecology Center CA, United States

Join NCC, The Ecology Center, TLB and more at the World Peace & Justice Weekend Sustainability Fair - tkts Noon - 1:30 : Upcycled Mosaic Art Workshop Local Artist Leaders: Mike Tauber…

Lighting a Path Forward: UC Land Grants, Public Memory, and Tovaangar

UCLA James West Alumni Center and UCLA Luskin Conference Center CA, United States

Join UCLA's American Indian Studies Center for an interdisciplinary public symposium on October 15th about the past, present, and future of the University of California's relationship with tribes. On the…

Community Water Conversation

James Madison Elementary School Library 1124 East Hobart Street Santa Ana, CA 92707 CA, United States

The Community Water Conversation is part of a Listening Process about strengths and needs in the Santa Ana River watershed, sponsored by the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA). The event…

Embodying Resilience

Cross Cultural Center, Dr. White Room CA, United States

Join UCI Community Resilience Projects and Dance Professor S. Ama Wray for an experimental and experiential series in Embodying Resilience. What:          A four-week series of movement practices that expand thinking…

Communicating Water Science Creatively: Taking Knowledge From the Lab to Classrooms and Communities

Beckman Center of the National Academies CA, United States

Featuring John Christensen, founder of the Laboratory of Environmental Narrative Strategies at UCLA, and Sandra Tsing Loh, host of NPR's "The Loh Down on Science" Monday, October 21, 2019 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Lunch will be served. RSVP required. Beckman Center of the National Academies 100 Academy Way, Irvine CA 92617 This workshop will…

Environmental Peacebuilding Conference

CA, United States

The 1st International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding will host hundreds of diverse and passionate leaders, practitioners, and researchers from around the globe to expand the intersectional dialogue of this emerging field. Save the date to participate in this event! For more information, click here.

Embodying Resilience

Cross Cultural Center, Dr. White Room CA, United States

Join UCI Community Resilience Projects and Dance Professor S. Ama Wray for an experimental and experiential series in Embodying Resilience. What:          A four-week series of movement practices that expand thinking led by UCI Dance Professor Dr. S. Ama Wray Who:           Any “body,” standing or seated, is welcome (the series accommodates standing…

Company Town Film Screening and Discussion

1111 EDU, UCI School of Law UC Irvine, United States

A groundbreaking investigative documentary that tells the story of Crossett, Arkansas, where a local pastor David Bouie galvanizes citizens against Georgia-Pacific, one of the nation’s largest paper mills and chemical plants owned by Koch Industries. It offers a rare look inside a small town ruled by a single company that has employed generations of the…

Embodying Resilience

Cross Cultural Center, Dr. White Room CA, United States

Join UCI Community Resilience Projects and Dance Professor S. Ama Wray for an experimental and experiential series in Embodying Resilience. What:          A four-week series of movement practices that expand thinking…