Home » Seeking 2019-20 Community Resilience Student Fellows

Seeking 2019-20 Community Resilience Student Fellows

Join the Student Team

2017-18 student fellows from across the UC convene in an outdoor classroom during a leadership training intensive led by UCI Community Resilience Projects

UCI Community Resilience Projects invites student applicants to join the 2019-20 Community Resilience student team. Participating students will receive an academic experience in which the focus is hands-on learning in a professional environment. The opportunities are open to UCI undergraduate and graduate students in good standing from any discipline. Work-study and DREAM Center students are welcomed and encouraged to apply.

There are currently three open spots on the 2019-20 student team. Student team members work under the mentorship of director Abby Reyes together with a host of faculty, students, staff, and community collaborators to fulfill project aims.  General details applicable to all three open spots:

  • Each opportunity is paid;
  • Each opportunity will take approximately ten hours per week during the quarter throughout the 2019-20 academic year and target start and end dates vary by opportunity;
  • Project locations include the campus office of the UCI Community Resilience Projects, UCI Sustainability Resource Center, and, in the case of the Projects Team Member, at community-designated gathering spaces in Santa Ana, California, as well;
  • Each opportunity will remain open until filled.

Visit opportunity-specific details below for project descriptions, application processes, and other important information. If you are interested in applying for more than one opportunity, take care to indicate so in your application materials. Please direct questions to communityresilience@uci.edu.

Note: there is also a distinct opportunity to participate as a student in the Community Resilience Projects through the student-led co-lab. The opportunity to apply to become part of the 2020 co-lab cohort will be announced here during Fall quarter 2019.