Home » UCI Gardeners: We Want to Hear From You

UCI Gardeners: We Want to Hear From You

Please join us on April 14 for a UCI Gardens Community Vision and Action Planning Workshop.

The purpose of the workshop is to develop a road map to create a cohesive network among the UCI urban gardens so we can share resources, boost production, and improve the health and wellness of our community.

The desired outcomes of the workshop include:

  • Shared sense of community among garden leaders and fellow gardeners
  • Shared understanding of each garden’s needs and visions for future development
  • Shared understanding of where our visions overlap, and an action plan for achieving those shared visions
Date: Thursday, April 14, 2016
Time: 8am-12pm
Where: Calit2 - Room 3008
Who: Workshop attendees will include key staff, faculty, and gardeners on campus.
Please invite fellow UCI gardeners on Facebook.

Please fill out the interest form by April 1.


Community Resilience Co-lab

The North Pole Show


This student written blog reflects writing by UC students from their own perspectives regarding issues related to building community resilience. It does not reflect the position of the university.